Welcome to Simply Retreat

We all have different reasons for wanting to experience a retreat.

While serving over a decade as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Bay Area Community Church (Annapolis, MD), I learned the importance of taking time for personal soul care. With nothing more than a pen, my journal and a Bible, I spent daily time alone with the Lord. Sometimes for the purpose of getting to know Him better. Other times, I sought guidance at various crossroads. Later I saw the need to incorporate quarterly and annual personal retreats into the rhythm of my life.

Simply Retreat aims to give you a place of solace in a beautiful setting so that you can meet with God. Sometimes that happens best on a personal retreat. But I’ve also seen that even on a small group retreat, God still speaks personally to each person willing to listen to Him. Simply Retreat can accommodate both small groups and individuals.

What about you? Ideally, you won’t wait until you find yourself in a place in life where you feel compelled to take a retreat (or else!). Like Dallas Willard said, “If you don’t come apart for a while, you will come apart after a while.”

I look forward to seeing you at a Simply Retreat soon!

In the love of Christ,

Janet Graves, Director and Founder, Simply Retreat